GenomeFi and its biomedical platform

About the Foundation

The GenomeFi Foundation was established to facilitate the "AI-based Web3 Genome DID Platform". GenomeFi aims to innovatively develop and grow the mass adoption of genomic, genomics, bio-medical, scientific, etc. content in the blockchain and web 3.0 ecosystem through GenomeFi genome Decentralized Identifier(GDID) platform.

GenomeFi Foundation, together with global medical centers and bio-specialized companies, provides genomic medical solution services by extracting and analyzing genetic information based on the world's best genomic analysis technology to predict individual physical characteristics or diseases, monitor early diagnosis of cancer/disease through liquid biopsy and multiomics technology, and provide personalized prescription and personalized treatment services.

Based in Dubai, GenomeFi Foundation, in collaboration with medical centers and bio-specialized companies, is working with national and local governments, biomedical healthcare companies, educational institutions, etc. to expand and popularize genomics, genomics, and bio services through Web 3.0 to make them more accessible and applicable to real life, and participants in the GenomeFi ecosystem can receive various medical and healthcare services.

The GenomeFi Foundation allows countries, companies, and individuals to create new value through genome data as a service (GDaaS), AI technologies, and genome decentralized identifiers (GDIDs) that reflect an individual's genetic characteristics.

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