
Please read the entirety of this notice before participating in the token sales.

This “Disclaimer” section applies to everyone who has read this document and this section may be updated from time to time.

If you are uncertain as to anything in this document, we strongly advise you to consult legal, financial, tax and other professional advisors or experts for further guidance before participation in the ‘Genome Fi’ project.

Legal Considerations

1. Please note that this document is provided with the sole purpose of conveying information regarding the ‘Genome Fi’ project and the contents can be modified. The version of this document is based on the date shown on the cover page. The contents of this document reflect only the direction and progress of the project until such date, and may be changed at any time after the date of creation.

2. This document shall not be relied on to enter into any contract or to form basis of any investment decision. Any agreement(s) between Genome Fi PTE. LTD(hereinafter the “Company”) and you are to be governed by a separate document for sale of ‘Geno’ tokens (hereinafter the “Sale Document”). In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the ‘Sale Document’, the respective ‘Sale Document’ shall prevail.

3. This document is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form, and not intended to be, an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, subscribe for, underwrite or purchase any form of investment or securities or other financial instruments, nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied upon, in any way in connection with any contract or investment decision relating to the same.

4. The ‘Geno’ tokens are not intended to constitute, and shall not constitute, equities or securities (of any nature whatsoever) in any jurisdiction. This document does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for investment in securities in any jurisdiction. The ‘Company’ does not provide any opinion or any advice to purchase, sell, or otherwise transact with ‘Geno’ tokens and the presentation, publication or communication of all or any part of this document shall not form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract or investment decision.

5. This document is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form, and not intended to be, an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, subscribe for, underwrite or purchase any form of investment or securities or other financial instruments, nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied upon, in any way in connection with any contract or investment decision relating to the same

6. Any offering of the tokens mentioned in this document should not be made, nor any documents should not be sent, directly or indirectly, in or into, countries where participating in the sale of the ‘Geno’ tokens are prohibited.

7. The publication and dis-semination of this document do not imply that any relevant laws, regulations, and rules have been complied with. No regulatory authority has examined or approved this document nor will it in the future.

8. Users who are interested in purchasing ‘Geno’ tokens shall not construe, interpret, classify, or treat ‘Geno’ tokens as the following.

(a) Currency other than crypto-currency

(b) Bonds and stocks issued by financial institutions, companies, and organizations

(c) Rights, options or derivatives of bond and stocks issued by financial institutions, companies, and organizations.

(d) Rights under a contract for differences or under any other contract the purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss

(e) Units in a collective investment scheme, a business trust and derivatives of units in a business trusts

Regional Restrictions

1. It may not be lawful for individuals or certain categories of individuals in certain jurisdictions, to view this document. Individuals who wish to view this document must first confirm from professional advisors or experts they are not subject to any laws or regulations that prohibits or restricts them from viewing this document and the ‘Company’, its employees, officers and/or professional advisors(hereinafter the “Affiliates”) assume no responsibility or liability for the consequences from users not doing such actions.

2. In particular, unless permitted by the applicable laws and regulations, any offering of the tokens mentioned in this document should not be made, nor any documents should not be sent, directly or indirectly, in or into, countries where participating in the sale of the tokens are prohibited.

Limitations of Liability

1. The services by the ‘Company’ and its ’ Affiliates’ are provided on an “as is” basis and without any representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied.

Users expressly acknowledge and represent that they fully understand that the token may experience volatility in pricing, liquidity, technical access, data breaches and will not seek to hold the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’ liable for any losses or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from, or in any way connected to, the purchase of Geno token.

2. The ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’ are not held responsible in relation to laws, regulations, and rules in any jurisdiction for any profits, gains and losses occurred from the purchase of the ‘Geno’ token.

3. Range of indemnification: all liabilities or losses suffered by the ‘Company’ or any of its ‘Affiliates’; and all reasonable costs, charges and reasonable expenses (including without limitation reasonable legal costs and expenses) reasonably and properly incurred by the ‘Company' or any of its ‘Affiliates’.

Forward Looking Statements

1. The information contained in this document concerning ‘Geno’ tokens may contain statements that are deemed to be “forward-looking statements”, which are prospective in nature and are not statements of historic facts. The ‘Company’ disclaims any responsibility to update any of those forward-looking statements or publicly announce any revisions to those forward-looking statements to reflect future developments, events, or circumstances, even if new information becomes available or other events occur in the future.

2. These forward-looking statements contain various risks and uncertainties. These statements do not assure future results and undue reliance must not be placed on these statements.

3. This document is intended to describe the services of ‘Genome Fi’ and can be reviewed and revised due to the project's schedule, progress, and other factors. The content of this document is not responsible for the errors and delays in the provision and development of services and related matters and no person may claim responsibility for this.

Potential Risk Factors

We recommend a careful review and evaluation of the following descriptions and related factors and risks is recommended before deciding on the purchase & participation of ‘Geno’ token.

Risks include, but are not limited to:

1. Risk of consumer liability relating to storage: Access restriction to ‘Geno’ tokens due to loss of identification information, loss of essential private key of digital wallets storing ‘Geno’ tokens.

2. Risks relating to changes in the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’ ability to survive or compete in circumstances such as shifts in politics, society, economic environment, in stocks or crypto market environment, and national regulation within the country where ‘Affiliates’ operates the business. Certain jurisdictions may apply existing/new disadvantageous blockchain technology regulations to ‘Geno’ tokens which may lead to a significant change of ‘Genome Fi’ ecosystem and project for instance ,the abolition/loss of ‘Geno’ tokens.

3. Development of ‘Genome Fi’ project and ‘Genome Fi’ usage & potential value may be affected by changes in future capital needs of the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’, risks related to adjustment in the capital & capital availability according to such needs and lack of funds.

4. ‘Genome Fi’ value, ecosystem, and project may be negatively affected by force majeure, natural disaster, and other factors that could not have been anticipated or controlled by the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’(including but not limited to: cataclysm, power supply interruption, mining attack, hacking, etc.)

5. Various reasons such as unfavorable fluctuations of ‘Geno’ tokens value, business relations failure, and competitors’ intellectual property rights claims during development/operation can lead to the suspension of ‘Genome Fi’ activities, disbanding or halt of launching plans, which could negatively affect ‘Genome Fi' ecosystem, token, and the potential usage of the token.

6. Any rights of decision regarding the ‘Genome Fi’ project and(or) ecosystem will not be granted to other entities or persons, including any representation. Every decision-including suspension of ‘Genome Fi’ service and(or) ecosystem, additional issuance, sale & liquidation of ‘Genome Fi’-is made according to the discretion of the ‘Company’.

7. The tax and accounting methods of ‘Geno’ tokens may differ accordingly with jurisdictions. Purchase of ‘Geno’ tokens may negatively affect tax treatment; acquiring independent tax advice is recommended.

Please be aware that there are other risks beyond predictions stated by the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’, including unexpected combinations and(or) variations of aforementioned risks.

If the risks & uncertainties mentioned above develop into an actual situation, the business, financial standing, operating result, and outlook, etc. of the ‘Affiliates’ could be affected practically and negatively. In this case, you may lose a part or the entirety of the ‘Geno’ token value.

Governing Law

The ‘Company’ is established in Singapore, thus the description within this document is interpreted and regulated under the law of Singapore.

No Additional Information & Update

No entity nor person has the authority to provide information/explanation about the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’ and related businesses & operations other than that is included in this document, and even if certain information/explanation was provided it should not be considered to be authorized by ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’ nor deem to represent the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’.

No Advice

None of the contents of this document constitutes legal, financial, tax, or other advice. We encourage you to consult with the relevant professional advisors independently regarding the ‘Company’ and its ‘Affiliates’ and related businesses & operation. Legal/financial risk of ‘Geno’ token purchase may apply indefinitely.

KYC Compliance

The ‘Geno’ token purchaser must comply to know your customer (KYC) guideline and every other applicable regulation for identity verification. The ‘Company’ will do its best to provide convenience and stability to Genome Fi purchasers based on mutual trust as follows:

1. The ‘Company’ complies with laws and legislation for cryptocurrency such as KYC, anti-money laundering (AML), etc.

2. The ‘Company’ complies with the Personal Information Protection Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection & other related Act to protect purchaser’s personal information including user registration information.

Details of the KYC process will be updated through the homepage or other document materials.

Last updated